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Our Groups

Whatever your skills, project ideas or ability we have them all covered. Check out the Club's special interest groups below.

Our Groups - Click or tap the image for more information

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Scroll saw group

The club has a number of scroll saws and a very active group lead by some very experienced and fine exponents of the craft, catering for old hands and learners alike.

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General Workshops

There are a few sessions each week where any club member may attend and work on their own particular project or collaborative projects.

Carving Group

The carving group meet twice monthly on the first and third Friday morning and enjoy the social aspect as well as sharing in the progress and quality of their work.

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Instrument Group

The club has a couple of experienced luthiers and many enthusiastic instrument makers completing a range of projects as broad as guitars, ukuleles, 3 and 4 string CBGs and violins.

Woodturning Group

We have a number of very experienced woodturners and two different group sessions catering for all levels of wood turning, with enough lathes of various sizes for all types of projects.

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Pyrography Group

The word comes from the Greek “pur” (fire) and “graphos” (writing), meaning writing with fire. In modern practise, this is more drawing than writing, with some artists creating truly fantastic pieces of art.

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Mentoring Group

Monday mornings at the club are set aside for mentoring new members, including project making and training on all the general wood working machinery.

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Wes' Workshop

This group meets weekly to work on the particular children’s toy that will be available for all children attending the annual exhibition to assemble and take home.

Nillumbik Council

We would like to thank and acknowledge the valuable support we receive from the Nillumbik Shire Council.

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Secretary: 0408 195 965
Postal Address:

Eltham & District Woodworkers Inc
C/- Yarrambat Post Office
461 Ironbark Road
Yarrambat Vic 3091

Clubhouse Address:
Cnr Iron Bark and De Fredericks Road

Yarrambat Vic 3091

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